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sodium fluoride

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sodium fluoride — IUPAC name Sodium fluoride …   Wikipedia

  • sodium fluoride — n a poisonous crystalline salt NaF that is used in trace amounts in the fluoridation of drinking water, toothpastes, and oral rinses and in metallurgy, as a flux, as an antiseptic, and as a pesticide see LURIDE * * * a salt of sodium used to… …   Medical dictionary

  • sodium fluoride — n. a colorless, toxic, crystalline powder, NaF, with many uses, esp. as an insecticide, in making glass, and, in minute quantities, in toothpaste and to fluoridate public water supplies …   English World dictionary

  • sodium fluoride — noun a colorless crystalline salt of sodium (NaF) used in fluoridation of water and to prevent tooth decay • Hypernyms: ↑salt * * * noun : either of two poisonous crystalline salts usually made by reaction of hydrofluoric acid with soda ash: a …   Useful english dictionary

  • sodium fluoride — natrio fluoridas statusas T sritis chemija formulė NaF atitikmenys: angl. sodium fluoride rus. натрий фтористый; натрия фторид …   Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • sodium fluoride and phosphoric acid gel — [USP] a fluoride containing preparation, consisting of sodium fluoride, hydrofluoric acid, and phosphoric acid, with concentrations of 1.23 per cent fluoride ion and 0.98 per cent phosphoric acid, pH of 3.0 to 3.5, and flavoring, coloring,… …   Medical dictionary

  • sodium fluoride and acidulated phosphate topical solution — [USP] a fluoride containing preparation, consisting of sodium fluoride, hydrofluoric acid, and phosphoric acid, with concentrations of 1.23 per cent fluoride ion and 0.98 per cent phosphoric acid, pH of 3.0 to 3.5; applied topically to the teeth… …   Medical dictionary

  • sodium fluoride and potassium oxalate —    Chemical found inside a gray top test tube, the sodium fluoride prevents bacterial growth and the potassium oxalate bind the calcium in the blood. This the test tube use when testing for alcohol in the blood …   Forensic science glossary

  • sodium fluoride — a salt of sodium used to prevent tooth decay. It is administered by mouth or applied to the teeth as a paste, mouthwash, or gel. Taken in excess by mouth, it may cause digestive upsets and large doses may cause fluorine poisoning. See also… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • sodium fluoride — noun Date: 1869 a poisonous crystalline salt NaF that is used in trace amounts in the fluoridation of drinking water and toothpastes, in metallurgy, as a flux, and as a pesticide …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sodium fluoride — a colorless, crystalline, water soluble, poisonous solid, NaF, used chiefly in the fluoridation of water, as an insecticide, and as a rodenticide. [1900 05] * * * …   Universalium

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